Providing jobs for millions
Frowork provides a source of income for all. Providing employment opportunities for all is the single most effective means of tackling poverty and social exclusion.
Helping clients offset carbon footprint
As frowork leverages on the power of remote work, there is no need for frotalents and clients to transport themselves from one place to another for work thus reducing carbon emmissions and promoting carbon offset.
Helping frotalents retire better
As a freelancer, long-term financial planning can be difficult when your workflow (and therefore cash flow) is unpredictable. Our mentorship-based passive income model helps frotalents retire better.
Leveraging on the power of remote work
Find frotalent
Post a job or search for a serviceand a list of available gigs from frotalents will be shown to you.
Choose frotalent
Pick a frotalent that best suites your need to get the job done. Our system makes this easy.
Make payment
Once the job is done and approved by you,
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